A short story

Scroll through the 4 slides below to learn more about my challenges, how I overcame them, and why I’m doing all of this :)

  • With all of this … I’m firstly trying to help this generation solve one of their biggest problems > finding a job that you love.

    During that process, I want to help you build a foundation that will last for the rest of your career.

    A key component of that foundation is learning how to understand yourself, and protect your mind. This is truly the main message.

    Because the world today has become such a dangerous place for the mind.

    If I can plant a few seeds and get people started on that journey, I’ll be truly happy.

    Feel free to read through the slides to learn more about me :)

  • I grew up with a stutter, in Saudi Arabia of all places, and was unemployed for a year out of university.

    The first 20+ years of my life were supposed to prepare me for what’s to come. They didn’t.

    No one taught me how to take care of my health, find a job that I love, meet people, and so on.

    So this is what I did >

    • I started Journaling and it opened up my mind. I realized how little I knew about myself, and how easy it was to gain clarity.

    • I discovered Yoga and it changed my life. Then I started teaching it to Kids, and that changed my life even more.

    • I pushed my comfort zone every day to develop my social skills.

    • I started learning, performing and then teaching Improv Comedy.

    • I found hobbies and communities that I loved.

    • And started to find the work and creative outlets that inspired me the most.

    Over a period of 10 years where I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time.

    Thankfully with that, I was able to achieve everything I wanted and more >

  • This is my Career journey over the past 8 years after graduating University:

    Unemployed for a year as I tried to figure things out.

    Received my first job offer at a small firm (and the biggest weight dropped off my shoulders).

    Went to Downtown Toronto multiple times every week. Attended 200+ networking events and meetings. Pumped three hours of self-development audiobooks during the drives there.

    Received an offer for what I thought was my dream job at a larger firm.

    Left that job to help my Dad build his dream, a Hotel. Worked 16 hours every day for two years to develop it. COVID hit a month before opening.

    Tapped into my Creativity and Purpose during the pandemic. Started creating content and teaching, leading up to this program and website.

    Completed my Masters across three countries - Switzerland, Hong-Kong and the USA. During that time, I was creating a dream job in my mind.

    Today, I’m living that job every day and have never felt more fulfilled.

    Now I want to teach my younger self (maybe it's you) how to get through the process quicker and with less pain >


Connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to chat, ask any questions, or learn about my Career


I made an Audiobook where I shared what I learned so far during my life

The Chapters

  • #1 - A gradual wake up

    Starting to figure out how to make things better

  • #2 - Life after self-awareness

    The most important skill and flashlight throughout my journey

  • #3 - Key Life Skills

    (i) Self-Awareness

    (ii) Health (Mental/Physical/Spiritual)

    (iii) Emotional Intelligence

  • #4 - Becoming Antifragile

    Learning how to grow from every challenge I’m faced with

  • #5 - Growth Mindset

    Doing the process as fast and intelligently as possible

  • #6 - Genuine Networking

    Learning how to make more connections, and deeper relationships

  • #7 - Finding Purpose & Community

    Sharing an activity I did to help find these

  • #8 - Managing Balance & Ego

    Making the process sustainable and trying to find happiness in (almost) every moment


Check out some of my Blog posts where you can get inside my head a little



A Presentation I gave to some University students on how I created my Career path

  • My best advice for young people