Making this course was very hard
I was never a creative person, especially growing up in a country like Saudi Arabia.
But when I got into Yoga, Meditation, Writing, and other creative habits - that part of my mind opened up.
Then creativity bled into everything I did. My work, my relationships, my health etc.
However when I sat down to start creating content to share with others, it was all a blank.
So I started to read and watch videos about creative people.
I received a lot of advice from my Mentor and other friends as well.
Then I started to find my process to tap into my Creativity.
At the beginning, the connection between myself and the creative source was extremely delicate.
The creativity would last a little while and then simmer away.
For the past 2.5 years since COVID began, I repeated that process a few hundred times.
There was lots of pen, paper, coffee and confusion.
I started creating bits of content to help other people.
A lot of posts on LinkedIn... All kinds of posts talking about all kinds of things.
I started to better understand my process of creating, what I liked to talk about, and how I liked to share it.
Then I made a website.
This was really confusing, cringey and painful. But I knew I had to make it.
I made sets of video workshops, blog posts, and an audiobook.
Things started becoming more clear.
At this point today, I’m still tapping the surface of my Creative potential.
But the connection that I was talking about earlier, the one which used to be so delicate, is much stronger. And I know how to access it almost any time.
So at the end of 2021, I decided to put everything into one course.
Making this course was insane.
I had to brainstorm ideas for the course, finalize the topics, review 1.5 years of old content I made, and script out the new videos.
That was the basis.
And it evolved every day until I was done.
One of the most interesting things from this experience, was that music started to sound better.
I started to appreciate any form of creative work much more, because I saw what it took me to make just one little course.
I could probably make another long post about all of the things I learned from this experience, but I’m tired..
Anyways, after all that, it’s done!
I’d like to do something different after this, like write a book. I’m a bit traumatized from making videos for a while, so writing would be really nice.
But until then, I need to get this course out to as many people as it’s meant to reach.
You can be one of them :)
Check it out!