Why I Taught Kids Yoga Classes


A conversation with a student:

“I want to write a book with a twist. Like Hansel & Gretel, but the kids end up being cooked for dinner”

Nice!….wait what?

“But the kids end up being cooked for dinner”

Okay, that’s dark.

She said her dream was to illustrate books, and write them as well.

I gifted her a journal the next week, showed her how to write with more freedom and consistency, then said goodbye before she moved to Australia.

I only taught her twice.

But if she was able to write even one page in that journal, I did my job.

She was one of the most creative students I’ve ever met.

That creativity has to be encouraged, supported and celebrated.

It would have been sad if she just went to school, was taught whatever they teach, and never had an opportunity to explore what she loved.

It happens a lot.

I found Yoga in 2017.

By chance, I saw someone leave a yoga studio with the most blissful look on their face. I wanted what they were having.

I was welcomed into PYC Studio with so much warmth, and two weeks later I was hooked.

1 year later it completely changed my life.

  • It was Physical, Mental, and Spiritual health, all in one activity

  • It was the most chill, and growth minded community I’ve ever met

  • It healed years of trauma.

They also taught Kids classes.

Now Kids… absolutely amaze me.

After my own schooling process and seeing what my sister went through on her own, it clicked one day.

At what point did I lose the child inside me? And how did it come back? Is there any way to prevent it?

And Yoga was part of the answer.

I took the training and started to teach.

It began with a class of one - a five-year-old girl named Willa. The most inspiring kid I’ve ever met.

It was just her for the first month.

I developed a love for teaching that might not have been there if she didn’t show up.

And I continued for two more incredible years, before I got pulled into the family business.

Still to this day, nothing brought me more joy that teaching Yoga to a group of kids.

Unlocking their creativity.

Developing tools that can help them navigate a difficult world.

Introducing them to Mindfulness and Health.

Laughing non-stop.

I hope I was able to help the students I taught.

But one thing is for sure - it changed me forever.

I hope I’ll get back into it again :0


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