Welcome to my archive
Everything below, and within each section, is content that I made on or before 2021.
I was trying to figure stuff out and just create stuff for a long time, and part of that journey resulted in the content below.
I didn’t want to delete or hide it, because I’m very proud of my what I created and it’s an important part of my journey. Even though some parts still make me cringe.
So I wanted to keep it all visible and archived.
During my 20’s, I was always trying to:
Find a meaningful and enjoyable Career
Improve my Mental Health
I tried a lot of things in the past seven years and this is what worked best for me:
Mindfulness (Meditation, Yoga, Creativity ...)
Self-Reflection (Writing, Documenting, Recording Audios..)
Overcoming Social Anxiety
Learning how to meet the right people
Seeking Mentorship
Using LinkedIn properly
Taking a lot of pictures and recording audio messages
Google Docs & Notion <3
I clearly remember what it feels like to be unemployed and anxious all the time.
So I made this website to help people in their 20’s save years of their time and reduce stress, as they’re figuring out what to do in life.
The specific topics and skills that I share within this website are:
Developing a planning and documenting system for clarity
Learning how to ‘Network” and meet the right people to build confidence and leads
Using LinkedIn effectively to stand out and create more opportunities (and not hating it)
Improving resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills
Finding your habits to develop Self-Awareness, expand Creativity and increase Intuition
Cultivating Balance by creating a healthy environment and making small tweaks
Learning how to overcome fears, create a practical plan, and find the right community
I created different types of content, and everything is constantly being experimented on so feedback is always welcome and loved:
10-20 minute long videos and practical worksheets about the most important skills I developed
My first attempt at sharing my life lessons. There are 8 chapters with their own themes.
Trying to share my perspective and process of life.
Short stories and quick lessons of what I’m learning every day. I’m trying to reach creators that inspired me.

The Chapters
#1 - A gradual wake up
Starting to figure out how to make things better
#2 - Life after self-awareness
The most important skill and flashlight throughout my journey
#3 - Key Life Skills
(i) Self-Awareness
(ii) Health (Mental/Physical/Spiritual)
(iii) Emotional Intelligence
#4 - Becoming Antifragile
Learning how to grow from every challenge I’m faced with
#5 - Growth Mindset
Doing the process as fast and intelligently as possible
#6 - Genuine Networking
Learning how to make more connections, and deeper relationships
#7 - Finding Purpose & Community
Sharing an activity I did to help find them
#8 - Managing Balance & Ego
Making the process sustainable and finding happiness in each moment

Coming soon
My best advice for young people