
Why I made this course.

The Course will help you by

(1) Showing you how to develop one of life’s most important skills > Self-Awareness

(2) Teaching you how to Meet People and develop relationships (no matter how shy you are)

(3) Guiding you with an Online Documenting System (Google Doc) throughout the process

(4) Providing you with a complete roadmap on how to take advantage of LinkedIn

(5) Balancing you with a Health & Wellness Plan (made by you and for you)

These 5 things are required To

never worry about your career again

Chapter Details

There are 18 videos and 3 sections

If you want to take a closer look at the chapters, there are short videos of each one below.


I’m making it freely accessible for students because I want to share the knowledge :)

(only an e-mail is required for access)

Chapter Trailers

Part 1 - The System

  • This is the most important thing that I want to share with the world.

    To teach people how to protect their mind, and understand themselves.

    You will be blown away by how powerful your mind can be, when it’s given a bit of space.

    If I can help some of you realize why this is absolutely critical in today's world, and how easy it is to develop this skill - then nothing would make me happier.

    This skill will help you figure out what you want to do in your career, and help you protect your mind.

    That’s why this is Chapter 1.

    I’m not a doctor or expert on this subject, but from my experience, there are 3 practices that developed my Self-Awareness:

    1. Self-reflection

    2. Mindfulness

    3. Creativity

    All we need to do is consciously spend a few minutes a day practicing any one of these three things.

    Everyone has their own preference and specific ways to develop each one. I want to help you find yours.

    Writing is the most powerful way to self-reflect, so I share with you how to make it a consistent habit as well as providing some questions you can ask yourself.

    I also share other ways to self-reflect, such as recording audios, documenting online, and talking to the right people.

    Then we touch on Mindfulness in the last two chapters of this Course.

  • What allowed me to significantly speed up my growth, was having an online HQ where I can document my journey and learnings.

    In this Chapter, I will give you my Google Doc template which has 8 different sections, and questions within each one for you to fill out.

    1. Self-Discovery

    2. Purpose & Why

    3. Goals

    4. Todo List

    5. Your Pitch

    6. Interview Questions

    7. Meeting Notes

    8. LinkedIn

    This will get you started right now.

    Then you’ll continue adding more content to the doc, and it will evolve into your own beautiful baby.

  • If it was so easy to take more action in our lives, then no one would have any issues!

    In this section, I dissect the reasons why we experience resistance when we try to take positive action in our lives, even though we know what to do and why it’s important to do it.

    It’s mostly a fear of rejection, and a fear of failure.

    These are mostly instilled into us during childhood through negative experiences and other restrictions we had. Unfortunately, for many of us they stay throughout our lives.

    So I share how to give our brains positive feedback from taking action, and how to ultimately overcome these fears in small steps.

    Then you’ll realize that the fears you have are really not a big deal.

    And the world will begin to open up.

Check out these short snippets of each chapter to know if this course is right for you

Part 2 - The Skills

  • I hate the word Networking, but I know you want to learn this.

    Not too long ago, I really, really wanted to.

    But I was shy and very anxious when meeting new people.

    I also had a stutter that took me nearly 20 years to overcome.

    But the skill of meeting new people will change your life.

    It will open up endless opportunities, while developing your core skill sets each time you put yourself out there. Confidence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Skills … everything

    The great thing is, it’s not hard to learn this. And you can make the process enjoyable.

    I promise.

    I wouldn’t lie about this.

    Because I remember the anxiety, the sweat, and all of the stutters when I tried to meet new people.

    In this video, I redefine your definition of Networking, and show you how to develop the skill in the least stressful way possible.

  • We obviously need to meet people, right?

    Events are just one way to meet many people in one place, so it’s the fastest way to develop this skill.

    When I started regularly attending them, I would often go to the bathroom after a few minutes and then leave because I felt uncomfortable.

    But after I developed a process for myself, I started to really enjoy them.

    I went to a few hundred events over a three year period and I documented each event.

    So I wanted to share the best steps for y'all:

    1. Ground yourself for a minute before you enter.

    2. Talk to someone within the first few minutes, to teach your brain that this environment is safe.

    3. Just focus on meeting 1 person - that’s all you need. One meaningful connection.

    4. Reflect afterwards to deeply instill what you learned.

  • Are you shy to ask people for things?

    Like some of their time for advice, a coffee meeting, perhaps a favor to get closer to a job you want?

    I knew the worst thing that could happen, is that the other person says no. But I was still anxious.

    However once I overcame this fear (and I would love to show you how), it opened up endless doors for me in my life and career.

    So in this video, I share the steps I took to overcome this. Starting from asking for advice, then contact info, and eventually a bit of their time in a coffee meeting.

    It sounds easy, but there are a few keys I want to share more specifically.

    • How to properly introduce yourself.

    • How to be genuine when you ask.

    • How to know what to ask for.

    • How to gauge someone’s receptiveness to helping you.

    • How to prepare yourself extremely well for meetings.

    • How to impress other people in meetings, so they want to help more in the future.

    • How to maintain a relationship over years.

  • If you’re an introvert, then this video is for you.

    With the internet, we have the ability to connect with anyone from around the world.

    So in this video, I share very specific methods on how to reach the right people virtually.

    People that can help you get closer to your ideal career path.

  • This face is how I feel about LinkedIn.

    At the start, this platform made me cringe.

    The super professional profiles, all of the circle jerking in the comments etc.

    But once I began to message people and create opportunities for myself, the whole world opened up.

    Because LinkedIn gives you access to most professionals in the world. We are talking nearly a billion people here…

    All I had to do was set up my profile once, make a plan on how I wanted to use the platform, and then learn how to reach out to people.

    I will share the truth about LinkedIn, specific ways to optimize your profile immediately, and a complete roadmap on how to build relationships on it. Check it out!

  • Finding a Mentor will save you years of time and suffering.

    Seeking Mentorship is a Mindset - to be humble and open to learning from anyone you meet.

    But there are a few special people that you’ll meet throughout your life, who will influence your path for the better.

    It’s your responsibility to get access to them, introduce yourself in the best way possible, intelligently ask for the right things, inspire them to help you, impress the hell out of them during your meetings, and keep the relationship over years.

    I’d love to show you how.

  • This is inevitable!

    As much as I hated it, I had to learn how to properly present myself in Interviews.

    But I promise, this can be made enjoyable as well.

    If you’re extremely prepared,

    if you’re energy is taken care of and vibrant,

    and you improve your mindset towards interviews - then you will look forward to them :)

    I want to share all of this with you, so you can present your best self.

    Specifically, what to do before an interview, during it, and afterwards.

    So instead of stressing out and trying to impress the employer,

    I want to show you how to make this into a relaxed conversation, where you’re expressing yourself freely, and assessing if they fit YOU.

    Worst case, you will learn from the experience and get better for the next one :)

  • Now let’s say you get the job. Congrats!

    I want to show you how to manage your Energy, so you can excel at the job once you land it.

    Small habits that you can do to immediately feel good,

    and some tools on how to manage the anxiety before you start :)

Part 3 - The Balance

  • Mental anxiety weighs the heaviest on us.

    So one of the things that I’m most grateful for, is how I was able to virtually eliminate anxiety from my life. Now when I get worried or stressed, I have the tools to resolve those feelings in a matter of minutes.

    There were certain habits that helped me, but I’ve learned that the process of how I’m handling this area of my life is the most important factor.

    Everyone is unique, and because of that we need to find what works for us.

    In this chapter, I share:

    • How I developed my Intuition to guide me on this journey. It’s the best guide after all.

    • Keys to finding Balance and shifting your mindset.

    • How to reduce the pressure you put on yourself.

    • How to create the best environment around you.

    • How to manage your morning & night time routines, and my best tips for them.

  • In this video, I’ll walk you through an activity to create your own wellness plan in 4 key areas:

    1. Sleep

    2. Diet

    3. Movement

    4. Mindfulness

    I’ve been trying to figure all of this out for 10 years (still am, and always will be).

    But I wanted to share my best tips so far :)

    You probably know a lot of these things and have tried to make them consistent.

    So I share what the keys are to begin this journey and how to make the approach easier.

So How is this COURSE different?

  • The traditional way of finding a job is extremely stressful.

    This is structured to make the process more fun and rewarding.

    This is a course that starts with a chapter on developing self-awareness, and ends with creating balance and protecting your mental health.

    With everything else you need in between.

    And a google doc template to get you going, right now.

    It won’t eliminate the ‘stress’, but teach you how to handle it and use it for growth.

    This gets rid of the overthinking and anxiety, which drains most of our energy.

    And you’ll be guided on how to use that energy instead in the right areas.

    • Once you develop a bit of Self-awareness and find YOUR own unique way to develop it, you will plant a seed in your mind that will continue to grow every day - along your intuition and mental clarity.

    • Once you set up the Google Doc platform, you will always have your own place where to document your vision, goals, reflections, things you’ve learned etc. It will just continue evolving just like you and your career.

    • Once you develop ‘networking’ skills, you can meet anyone in any situation and create opportunities at will.

    • Once you setup your LinkedIn profile once and learn how to message people, you will have unlimited access to a world of professionals at all times.

    • Once you know how to find mentors, you will continue meeting them throughout your life and save years of time.

    • Once you know the optimal way to approach your habits/routines, you will begin to relax, and not stress yourself out as much.

    Ultimately, the goal is to guide you to create your own roadmap and process.

    I just want to provide the template and initial push to get you going.

  • I’ve had deep conversations with 40+ people while creating this course, I’ve coached dozens more, and I’ve gone through this experience myself.

    I clearly remember what the stress feels like - the stress of disappointing my parents, feeling inadequate, comparing myself to successful friends, not having enough money, and much more.

    I wanted to tackle the major factors causing this stress:

    • Not knowing what you want to do… is stressful

      • So develop self-awareness and use the documenting system to figure it out

    • Being anxious when meeting new people or interviewing… is stressful

      • So learn how to develop these skills in the least painful way possible

    • Browsing endless job postings, not knowing where to look and who to talk to…is stressful.

      • So develop your LinkedIn and learn how to message the right people. You can literally create the role that you want.

    • Not taking care of yourself while you stress about all of this… is stressful

      • So make a wellness plan with me, and learn how to approach it with ease :)

    • Spending most of your life doing something you don’t love, with people you don’t like, for a purpose you don’t care about… is stressful

      • So do the course :) Figure out what you love, learn how to meet the right people, and create the opportunities for yourself.

    • Doing this alone… is stressful

      • So join the community after doing the course. A platform of people on the same journey supporting each other and celebrating the wins.

      • Or reach out and perhaps we can work together for a short while. I just need a month or two to help you build your foundation for a lifetime.

Why you need this

The perfect career won’t fall on your lap. You have to make it happen.

But taking responsibility and making things happen for yourself, is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

  • If you give yourself the space to think clearly about what you want to do (and why) - the clarity will transform every action you take. No more distractions and procrastination, just execution towards your goal. The Google Doc Template I provide will help you achieve this.

  • If you’re shy like I was, then learning how to overcome it and conveying your best self to people will change your relationships completely. The world is filled with billions of awesome people, let’s overcome our fears and learn how to connect with them.

  • If you sweat profusely and stutter during interviews, then learning how to plan and approach them with my guide will make life so much easier. It will allow you to present your best self to the employer and land you the job you want.

  • If you learn how to take care yourself and protect your mind a bit better throughout the journey, then the process will be less painful. It can actually be fun.

Honestly, these are just small examples of the transformations you can go through with the Course.

It’s really up to you to stop reading this, and dive in there to figure out if it’s meant for you.

Because it’s not meant for everyone. But if it’s meant for you, then it’s really meant for you :)

I would love to show you how to figure all of this out. Because it isn’t easy.