Why I Made This Website
The idea to make this website came at the end of a 1.5 year struggle.
After realizing that I wanted to share something with others, I spent 6 months figuring out what that was.
Then I finally started creating content, and I kept that up for another confusing year.
Eventually, I got to a point where I lost inspiration.
I felt like I was just making drops in the ocean, and my efforts were going to waste.
It was because I had no foundation.
But I had a several thousand pages of notes. And a new found love of creating valuable content.
One day, I had a few important conversations in a row, I drank some epic juice, and went for a walk.
Then the idea came out.
I immediately found the biggest piece of paper in my room and started mapping it out.
I made this because I wanted to share everything I learned, and I wanted to keep it in one place.
I made this because I wanted to find people who would like this stuff, and help them.
I made this because I love creating content. It’s so fucking hard and confusing, but I love the feeling after finishing something and realizing that “yes...this is finally ready.”
I made this because it will be a part of my legacy. I need to leave something while I’m here.
I made this because it’s fun.