Why I Made This Website


I love taking showers because it clears my mind and body.

I also like taking one when I need to answer a question.

Sometimes I even write stuff with a bar of soap.

Today, I wrote - “I made a website!….why?”

Well, I still don’t know exactly …

And this is after spending a shit load of time working on it.

But the amazing thing about Creativity is that…

I don’t need to know exactly why I want to do something.

I just know that I want to do it.

And I know that I’ll figure it out later.

As of today, I’m not confident about the landing page and how to articulate my message there. So I pondered on this question -

“well…why did I make this in the first place”

Two reasons came to mind:

1) For Myself - To grow, and to have fun. To get closer to the Truth, to God, and to the higher version of me.

2) For Others - To play my part in making the world better. To help people. Good people. Good people that are trying. To find the younger version of me that is out there, struggling with the same fears that I had, and extend a hand.

My reasoning, and my understanding of my reasoning, evolves with every additional ounce of energy that I put into this.

These are just the reasons I know for now.

The idea to make this website came at the end of a 1.5 year struggle.


I’m so glad I’m on the other side now.

It was so overwhelming looking at everything I wanted to share, and not knowing where to start.

But after getting this far, I started to see people differently.

There are millions of creators out there, making their own websites, discovering their purpose, trying and failing, stressing, and trying to help others.

Respect to all of them.


After realizing that I wanted to share something with others, I spent 6 months figuring out what that was.

Then I finally started creating content, and I kept that up for another confusing year.

Eventually, I got to a point where I lost inspiration.

I felt like I was just making drops in the ocean, and my efforts were going to waste.

It was because I had no foundation.

But I had a several thousand pages of notes. And a new found love of creating valuable content.

One day, I had a few important conversations in a row, I drank some epic juice, and went for a walk.

Then the idea came out.

I immediately found the biggest piece of paper in my room and started mapping it out.


As soon as I have a good idea, I make sure to extract every ounce of juice from it.

This involves headphones, music and paper.

I made this page to summarize what I wanted the website to feature.

Then I took a picture, and put it at the top of a new Google Doc.

And the rest was all work.

I made this because I wanted to share everything I learned, and I wanted to keep it in one place.

I made this because I wanted to find people who would like this stuff, and help them.

I made this because I love creating content. It’s so fucking hard and confusing, but I love the feeling after finishing something and realizing that “yes...this is finally ready.”

I made this because it will be a part of my legacy. I need to leave something while I’m here.

I made this because it’s fun.


Building a Hotel with my Dad


Finally Sharing The Website With Others